Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
Amount | Amount | decimal | No | The amount that was bid. |
CreationDate | Creation Date | datetime | No | The date the bid was created. |
Key | Key | string | No | The primary key identifier for the Bid Object. All Bids have a unique Key. |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | datetime | No | The date the bid was last modified. |
ListingKey | Listing Key | string | No | The Key of the Listing the Bid was placed on. See the Listing Object for more information. |
MemberKey | Member Key | string | No | The Key of the Member who placed this bid. See the Member Object for more information. |
MinimumRate | Minimum Rate | decimal | No | This is the minimum rate that the Lender is willing to accept on their bid. This field is populated only if the bid Status is Outbid, otherwise it is Null. (As is currently exposed on the website). |
ParticipationAmount | Participation Amount | decimal | No | The amount of the Bid Amount that is winning and therefore participating in the bid. |
Status | Status | integer | No |
The status of the Bid. It is one of the following numerical values: 0 (Withdrawn) 1 (Outbid) 2 (Winning) 3 (Partially Participating) |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
ApprovalDate | Approval Date | datetime | No | The date the group was approved. |
City | City | string | No | The city of the location of the group. |
CreationDate | Creation Date | datetime | No | The date the group was created. |
Description | Description | string | No | The description that the group leader provides about this group. |
GroupLeaderRewardPercentageOfBase | Group Leader Reward Percentage Of Base | decimal | No | The percentage of the base reward which is kept by the Group Leader. |
GroupRating | Group Rating | integer | No |
The Group Rating of the Group. It is one of the following numerical values: 0 (Not yet rated) 1 (1 Star) 2 (2 Stars) 3 (3 Stars) 4 (4 Stars) 5 (5 Stars) |
IsAcceptingNewMembers | Is Accepting New Members | boolean | No | Specifies whether or not the group is accepting new members to join the group. |
Key | Key | string | No | The primary key identifier for the Group Object. All Groups have a unique Key. |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | datetime | No | The date the group was last modified. |
ListingReviewRequirement | Listing Review Requirement | integer | No |
The Listing Review Requirement of the Group. It is one of the following numerical values: 1 (Not Required) - A listing is not subject to review by the Group Leader before going live. 2 (Required) - A listing is subject to review by the Group Leader before going live. |
MemberKey | Member Key | string | No | The Key of the member who is the Group Leader of this Group. See the Member Object for more information. |
Name | Name | string | No | The name of the group. |
ShortDescription | Short Description | string | No | The short description that the group leader provides about this group. |
ShortName | Short Name | string | No | The short name of the group. |
State | State | string | No | The two letter abbreviation of the state (in the United States, or military state) of the address of the location of the group. |
Status | Status | integer | No |
The status of the Group. It is one of the following numerical values: 0 (Pending Approval) 1 (Approved) 2 (Denied) 3 (On Hold) |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
BidSource | Bid Source | string | Yes | The source of the Bid. |
DPD | Days Past Due | integer | Yes | Days Past Due |
Key | Key | string | Yes | The primary key identifier for the Loan Object. All Loans have a unique Key. |
LoanNumber | Loan Number | integer | Yes | The number that uniquely identifies the listing to the lender as displayed on the website and in statements. |
PrincipalBalance | Lender Principal Balance | decimal | Yes | Lender Principal Balance. |
PrincipalLoaned | Lender Principal Loaned | decimal | Yes | Lender Principal Loaned. |
PrincipalRepaid | Lender Principal Repaid | decimal | Yes | Lender Principal Repaid. |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
ActiveProsperLoans | Active Prosper Loans | integer | Yes | Total number of active Prosper loans at the time of listing creation. |
AmountDelinquent | Amount Delinquent | decimal | Yes | Amount currently delinquent. |
AmountFunded | Amount Funded | decimal | No | The monetary amount of the listing which has been funded. |
AmountRemaining | Amount Remaining | decimal | No | The monetary amount of the listing which still remains to be funded. |
AmountRequested | Amount Requested | decimal | No | The amount that the member requested to borrow in the listing. |
AvailableBankcardCredit | Available Bankcard Credit | decimal | Yes | Total available credit via bank card. |
BankcardUtilization | Bankcard Utilization | decimal | Yes | Bankcard Utilization. |
BidCount | Bid Count | integer | No | The total number of Bids on this listing. |
BidMaximumRate | Maximum Rate To Bid | decimal | No | The Maximum Rate in which a bidder will be able to lend money in order to create a winning bid. This rate is less than or equal to Current Rate based on market conditions. |
BorrowerAPR | Borrower APR | decimal | No | The borrower Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is an expression of the effective interest rate that will be paid on a loan. It is different from the borrower rate (or "note rate") because it includes one-time fees in an attempt to calculate a total cost of borrowing money. |
BorrowerMaximumRate | Maximum Rate | decimal | No | The Maximum interest rate the borrower is willing to pay when the listing was created. |
BorrowerRate | Borrower Rate | decimal | No | The is the rate the borrower pays if the loan were to close at this point in time. The rate is computed as the LenderRate + GroupLeaderRewardRate (if applicable) + BankDraftFeeAnnualRate (if applicable). |
BorrowerState | Borrower State | string | No | The two letter abbreviation of the state (in the United States, or military state) of the address of the borrower at the time the Listing was created. |
Category | Category | integer | No |
The Category of this Listing. The Category is one of the following numerical values: 0 Not available 1 Debt consolidation 2 Home improvement 3 Business 4 Personal loan 5 Student use 6 Auto 7 Other 8 Baby & Adoption Loans 9 Boat 10 Cosmetic Procedures 11 Engagement Ring Financing 12 Green Loans 13 Household Expenses 14 Large Purchases 15 Medical/Dental 16 Motorcycle 17 RV 18 Taxes 19 Vacation 20 Wedding Loans |
CreationDate | Creation Date | datetime | No | The date the listing was created. |
CreditGrade | Credit Grade | integer | No |
Credit Grade of the borrower at the time the listing was created. The Credit Grade is one of the following numerical values: 0 (NC) 1 (HR) 2 (E) 3 (D) 4 (C) 5 (B) 6 (A) 7 (AA) |
CreditScoreRangeLower | Credit Score Range Lower | integer | Yes | The lower value representing the range of the borrower’s credit score as provided by a consumer credit rating agency in a recent credit inquiry. |
CreditScoreRangeUpper | Credit Score Range Upper | integer | Yes | The upper value representing the range of the borrower’s credit score as provided by a consumer credit rating agency in a recent credit inquiry. |
CurrentCreditLines | Current Credit Lines | integer | Yes | Current Credit Lines |
DebtToIncomeRatio | Debt to Income Ratio | decimal | No | The debt to income ratio of the borrower at the time the listing was created. This value is null if the debt to income ratio is not available. This value is capped at 10.01 (so any actual debt to income ratio larger than 1000% will be returned as 1001%). |
DelinquenciesLast7Years | Delinquencies Last 7 Years | integer | Yes | Delinquencies Last 7 Years. |
Description | Description | string | No | The description about the Listing that the Member writes when creating the Listing. |
Duration | Duration | integer | No | The number of days in which the listing is valid for. |
EffectiveYield | Effective Yield | decimal | Yes | Effective yield is equal to the borrower interest rate: (i) minus the servicing fee rate, (ii) minus estimated uncollected interest on charge-offs, (iii) plus estimated collected late fees. |
EmploymentStatus | Employment Status | string | Yes | Employment Status. |
EmploymentStatusDuration | EmploymentStatusDuration | integer | Yes | Employment Status Duration In Months. |
EndDate | End Date | datetime | No | The date when the listing ends |
EstimatedLoss | Estimated Loss | decimal | Yes | Estimated annualized loss rate on the loan. |
EstimatedReturn | Estimated Return | decimal | Yes | Estimated annualized return on the loan. |
FirstRecordedCreditLine | First Recorded Credit Line | datetime | Yes | First Recorded Credit Line |
FundingOption | Funding Option | integer | No |
The Funding Option of the Listing. It is one of the following values: 0 (Open For Duration) - The listing is open for it's duration. 1 (Close When Funded) - The listing will close as soon as it is 100% funded. |
GroupKey | Group Key | string | No | The Key of the Group in which the member is a member of. See the Group Object for more details. |
GroupLeaderRewardRate | Group Leader Reward Rate | decimal | No | The portion of the Borrower Rate which will be paid to the Group Leader. |
IncomeRange | Income Range | string | Yes | Income Range. |
InquiriesLast6Months | Inquiries Last 6 Months | integer | Yes | Total inquiries from last 6 Months |
IsBankAccountVerified | Is Bank Account Verified | boolean | No | Specifies whether or not the member has a verified Bank Account. DEPRECATED: This field may be removed in future releases. The value at this point in time is always true. |
IsBorrowerHomeowner | Is Borrower a Homeowner | boolean | No | Specifies whether or not the member is a verified Homeowner at the time the listing was created. |
Key | Key | string | No | The primary key identifier for the Listing Object. All Listings have a unique Key. |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | datetime | No | The date the listing was last modified. |
LenderYield | Lender Yield | decimal | No | The interest rate the lender receives on the loan. |
ListingNumber | Listing Number | integer | No | The number that uniquely identifies the listing to the public as displayed on the website. |
MemberKey | Member Key | string | No | The Key of the member who creating the Listing. See the Member Object for more information. |
MonthlyLoanPayment | Monthly Loan Payment | decimal | No | The monthly payment made by the borrower. |
NowDelinquent | Now Delinquent | integer | Yes | Current delinquencies. |
Occupation | Occupation | string | Yes | Occupation. |
OnTimeProsperPayments | On Time Prosper Payments | integer | Yes | Number of Prosper payments paid on time. |
OpenCreditLines | Open Credit Lines | integer | Yes | Open Credit Lines |
OpenRevolvingAccounts | Open Revolving Accounts | int | Yes | ROpen Revolving Accounts. |
PercentFunded | Percent Funded | decimal | No | The percentage amount of the loan which has been funded. This can also be calculated as (AmountFunded / AmountRequested) |
PrimaryImageURL | PrimaryImageURL | string | No | The primary image URL for the Listing Object. |
ProsperPaymentsLessThanOneMonthLate | Prosper Payments Less Than One Month Late | integer | Yes | Number of Prosper payments less than 31 days late. |
ProsperPaymentsOneMonthPlusLate | Prosper Payments More Than One Month Late | integer | Yes | Number of Prosper payments 31+ days late. |
ProsperPrincipalBorrowed | Prosper Principal Borrowed | decimal | Yes | Total principal borrowed from Prosper prior to listing creation. |
ProsperPrincipalOutstanding | Prosper Principal Outstanding | decimal | Yes | Prosper principal balance outstanding at the time of listing creation. |
ProsperRating | Prosper Rating | integer | No |
Prosper Rating of the listing at the time the listing was created. The Prosper Rating is one of the following numerical values: 0 (NA) 1 (HR) 2 (E) 3 (D) 4 (C) 5 (B) 6 (A) 7 (AA) |
ProsperScore | Prosper Score | integer | Yes | A custom risk score built using historical Prosper data. The score ranges from 1-10, with 10 being the best, or lowest risk score. |
PublicRecordsLast10Years | Public Records Last 10 Years | integer | Yes | Public Records Last 10 Years |
PublicRecordsLast12Months | Public Records Last 12 Months | integer | Yes | Public Records Last 12 Months. |
QuestionsAndAnswers | Questions And Answers | ListingQuestionAndAnswer[] | Yes | The questions and answers associated with the listing. |
RevolvingCreditBalance | Revolving Credit Balance | decimal | Yes | Revolving Credit Balance. |
StartDate | Start Date | datetime | No | The starting time of the Listing. |
StatedMonthlyIncome | Stated Monthly Income | decimal | Yes | Stated Monthly Income. |
Status | Status | integer | No |
The status of the Listing is one of the following numerical values: 2 (Active) - The listing is current active in the marketplace 4 (Withdrawn) - The listing was withdrawn by customer request 5 (Expired)- The listing failed to fund in time 6 (Completed) - The listing ran to completion and funded 7 (Cancelled) - The listing was canceled by Prosper 8 (Pending Verification) - The listing ran to completion but is awaiting additional bank or identity verification |
Term | Term | integer | No | The length of the loan in months. |
Title | Title | string | No | The title of the Listing. The member assigns this text when creating the listing. |
TotalCreditLines | Total Credit Lines | integer | Yes | Credit Lines Last 7 Years |
TotalInquiries | Total Inquiries | int | Yes | Total number of inquiries made. |
TotalProsperLoans | Total Prosper Loans | integer | Yes | Total number of Prosper loans prior to listing creation. |
TotalProsperPaymentsBilled | Total Payments Billed | integer | Yes | Total Prosper payments billed prior to listing creation. |
TotalTrades | Total Number of Trades | integer | Yes | Total Number of Trades |
TradesOpenedLast6Months | TradesOpenedLast6Months | int? | Yes | Total number of trades opened in the last 6 months. |
VerificationStage | Verification Stage | integer | No | A three-stage indicator of the process on the Prosper loan, based on Prosper’s verification of the borrower’s information and documents submitted that are key to evaluating the loan. The further along in verification, the higher the Verification Stage and the more likely the loan will originate. |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
Answer | Answer | string | Yes | The Answer |
AnswerCreationDate | Answer Creation Date | datetime | Yes | The creation date of the Answer |
ListingNumber | Listing Number | integer | Yes | The Listing number of the listing of which this is the Question and Answer |
Question | Question | string | Yes | The Question |
QuestionCreationDate | Question Creation Date | datetime | Yes | The creation date of the Question |
Questioner | Questioner | string | Yes | The Key of the Member asking the Question |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
AgeInMonths | Age In Months | integer | No | The number of whole months since the origination date, starting with 0. |
AmountBorrowed | Amount Borrowed | decimal | No | The amount that was borrowed. |
BorrowerRate | Borrower Rate | decimal | No | The borrower rate for this loan. |
CreationDate | Creation Date | datetime | No | The date the Listing became a loan. |
CreditGrade | Credit Grade | string | No | Credit Grade of the borrower at the time the listing for this loan was created. |
DebtToIncomeRatio | Debt to Income Ratio | decimal | No | The debt to income ratio of the borrower at the time the listing for this loan was created. This value is null if the debt to income ratio is not available. This value is capped at 10.01 (so any actual debt to income ratio larger than 1000% will be returned as 1001%). |
GroupKey | Group Key | string | No | The Key of the Group to which this Loan belongs. Please refer to the Group Object. |
Key | Key | string | No | The primary key identifier for the Loan Object. All Loans have a unique Key. |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | datetime | No | The date the loan was last modified. |
LenderRate | Lender Rate | decimal | No | The lender rate for this loan. |
ListingKey | Listing Key | string | No | The Key of the Listing to which this Loan belongs. Please refer to the Listing Object. |
LoanOutcome | Loan Outcome | integer | No |
The final loan outcome can be one of the following: 2 (TBD) - The loan outcome is not yet determined. 4 (Cancelled) - The loan was cancelled. 5 (Defaulted) - The loan defaulted. 6 (PaidInFull) - The loan was paid in full. 7 (Repurchased) - The loan was repurchased by Prosper. |
MonthsPastDue | Months Past Due | decimal | No | The number of months the loan is past due. |
OriginationDate | Origination Date | datetime | No | The date that Borrower receives funds and amortization begins. |
ProsperRating | Prosper Rating | integer | No |
Prosper Rating of the listing for the loan at the time the listing was created. The Prosper Rating is one of the following numerical values: 0 (NA) 1 (HR) 2 (E) 3 (D) 4 (C) 5 (B) 6 (A) 7 (AA) |
ServicingStatus | Servicing Status | integer | No |
The loan servicing status can be one of the following: 1 (Originating) - The loan was created but has not yet originated. 2 (Billing) - The loan is active and is subject to billing. 5 (PayoffInProgress) - The loan is active, but is awaiting the clearance of the final loan payment. 6 (Ceased) - The loan is inactive and servicing has ceased. |
Term | Term | integer | No | The length of the loan in months. |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
FeaturedListings | Featured Listings | ProsperObject[] | No | This returns an array of Listings which are the current featured listings without any authenticated fields. |
HistoricalInterestRatesTable | Historical Interest Rates Table | xml | No | This returns an xml table with the average interest rates by loan amount, credit grade, and group membership on loans already funded on Prosper. |
LoanVolumeToDate | Loans Originated Amount To Date | decimal | No | The total dollar amount of loans originated to date. |
MembersToDate | Members To Date | integer | No | The total number of members to date. |
Name | Label | Type | Authenticated | Description |
CreationDate | Creation Date | datetime | No | The date in which the Member registered on the system. |
Description | Description | string | No | The description that the Member provides about themselves. |
GroupKey | Group Key | string | No | The Key of the Group to which this Member belongs. You can get more details on this Group by referencing the Group Object. |
Key | Key | string | No | The primary key identifier for the Member Object. All Members have a unique Key. |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | datetime | No | The date the member was last modified. |
Roles | Roles | integer | No |
This is the roles of the member. The roles of the Member is one of the following numerical values: 1 (Registered) - The member is Registered but does not have a role. 3 (Borrower) - The member is a Borrower only. 5 (Lender) - The member is a Lender only. 7 (Borrower and Lender) - The member is both a Borrower and a Lender. 9 (Group Leader)- The member is a Group Leader only. 11 (Borrower and Group Leader) - The member is both a Borrower and a Group Leader. 13 (Lender and Group Leader) - The member is both a Lender and a Group Leader. 15 (Borrower, Lender and Group Leader) - The member is a Borrower, a Lender and a Group Leader. |
ScreenName | Screen Name | string | No | The name in which the Member uses to identify themselves on the public website. |