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Check your rateThis calculator is a self-help tool for your independent use and is intended for illustration purposes only. Results aren’t guaranteed, and may not be relevant to your specific circumstance.
Check your rate for a more personalized & accurate offer
Check your rateWe calculate your interest savings estimate by weighing the financial information you entered alongside historical data on loans and an estimation of what your rate for a loan through Prosper would be based on your credit score.
Eligibility for a personal loan is not guaranteed. But filling out an application takes fewer than 5 minutes, and it will take a few additional factors related to your creditworthiness into account—such as your employment, income, credit usage, history, and more—to generate an offer and fine-tune your potential savings in interest.
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mary ann four
20 hours ago
I've had a few loans with Prosper now. They are fast, discreet, professional. Rates are more than competitive with banks and credit unions....
2 days ago
Almost too easy to set up the loan. Process was quick and simple.
2 days ago
Excellent customer service
marc fajardo
2 days ago
Prosper really knows how to take care of their existing customers. Their service is exceptional. No hassles in getting funded. I was truly funded within...
stephanie vick
3 days ago
Quick response, easy application
3 days ago
Excellent, simple and fast
4 days ago
The entire process was smooth and after approval the funds were deposited very quickly.
4 days ago
the process was very easy and fast
Find answers to our community’s questions below, or visit our Help Center to learn more.
There’s no hard and fast rule for the minimum acceptable credit score for personal loans—it all depends on the lender. Prosper welcomes those with less-than-perfect credit to apply because we believe there’s more to creditworthiness than credit scores alone. Applicants with FICO scores above 600 have the best chances of being approved, but Prosper uses many factors to determine eligibility, and checking your rate and eligibility can be done without impacting your credit score.
Debt consolidation loans can be a great way to improve your personal financial health. If you have accrued debt from multiple credit cards that have high interest rates, a personal loan for debt consolidation through Prosper could offer you a lower rate than the average of your cards’ rates, and it could decrease your monthly payments and/or the amount of total interest you pay over time. It’s important to remember, however, that financial health improvement depends on multiple factors, such as spending within one’s means and not accruing new credit card debt.
If you have debt that’s in default or if you’ve missed payments, it’s wise to prioritize closing collections accounts or paying off current overdue bills before doing anything else. If you’re not late on payments or in default, it’s advisable to pay off your smallest debts first while maintaining minimum payments elsewhere (assuming you’re not just consolidating debts with a debt consolidation loan or other consolidation tool). Once you pay off the smallest debt, you can take the money you would have put toward that monthly fee and put it towards the next smallest debt, and so on.
Depending on what kinds of debts you have and the average interest rate those debts carry, debt consolidation can be a great way to consolidate your debts into a single payment. Debt consolidation can make sense if you’ve calculated that you will pay less cumulative interest by doing so.
Loan payment calculation depends on multiple factors. To learn more about how loan payments are typically calculated, visit this article from the Balance.
Different lenders have different approaches to calculating interest, but generally speaking, you can calculate simple interest with this straight-forward formula: Principal loan amount x interest rate x loan term. For example, if you take out a 7-year loan for $30,000 and the interest rate is 7%, the simple interest formula would be: 30,000 x .07 x 7 = 14,700
Take charge of your finances with a quick and easy custom solution. Use the Prosper platform to consolidate debt, finance home improvements, pay for healthcare, apply for a home equity line of credit or home equity loan, or get a credit card in just a few simple steps.